When it gets darker
When it gets darker
When it gets darker
I can I see the stars
When it gets darker
When it gets darker
When it gets darker
I can see the light within
And I'm not scared anymore
I'm not scared anymore
Floating out in space
I feel
So much hope
and so much freedom
I didn't feel before
Finally I
Finally I
Fnally I set my self free
Letting go
Even when I was terrified
I'd be lost in space
Until I fell
Into arms
Into the arms of divinity
There's no floor
To hit
No bottom to hit
No floor that I will
Hit my head
Falling through space
There's nothing no end
There nothing to fear
Cause all I'm falling through is love
All I'm falling through is love
All I am is falling through is love.
It just takes a little time
It just takes a little time
It just takes a little time
To be felt
To be seen
I can, I can, I can trust my heart
That no matter where I go
I am here
I am loved
I am held
I am I loved
I am healed
I can be healed right now
And even when I feel alone
And even when I feel alone
A hand from darkness reaches me
Reaching for me
Always reaching for me
"Won't you take my hand,"
It tells me, tells me
"You are never alone."
"Never alone"
"I'm always right here."
"If you, if you, If you can embrace"
"Embrace the darkness."
"There will always be light."
So I will stand
I will stand tall
All I am is love
Melting all the past away
Dissolving all the past away
Till I am standing naked I am bare
Living in so much authenticity
Full of all my honesty
Smiling when its dark outside
And I can see the fireflies
I know
I am
Always held
Always loved
Always safe
Always, always, always
Now there's love.
by @aloha.jacqueline