Rumi is quoted
As having said:
"Fall in love, and stay there."
When I read that recently,
I cried
Because I believe
I deeply realized
the truth
Of what he meant
On a level beyond
and limerance
and desire
Beyond relationships
Human needs
wounded relating patterns.
I believe
what he meant
About staying in love
Was to stay in the state of love
into yourself actually
The love
You already are
That you've just been
Hiding from
Blocking yourself from
Believing you needed to find
To earn from the outside
But rather than
suppressing your love
Out of fear
Rather choose to be
And Live
In that state of total love
How we might be
with a lover at first
Except now,
We can be that way
with everything
Staying in that state,
not just the feeling
So that even when
The object of your affection
Doesn't feel the same
Or they leave
Of the form changes
You can stay there
In love
without fear
And even stay in joy
a powerful liberation
Of connection with Self
Our divine Self
Our love.
It's totally normal
to access this state
Of love
Through a Beloved person
Yet it's risky
When we believe
they are responsible for this experience
Or we think this love we feel is because of them
Or we make it fully about them
When it's not
It's risky because
Romance generally comes along
with many unconscious expectations
And unhealed childhood wounds
Projected roles and needs onto others
We have not yet owned ourselves.
So let's just be conscious, shall we?
And not get lost
Or fall out of love
Or close our hearts
In fear
Or based on mental ideas
of safety.
Don't think the love you are
is them,
because it's not actually about them
You're just
knowing yourself
Remembering yourself
Your Love
Through their reflection
A beautiful gift
A beautiful reflection
Of your essence
For which your Beloved
Can be thanked
And released
From needing to remain
Or be or do anything
Other than they are.
So, my dears
Free your lovers
Your Beloveds
Free yourselves
Fall in love
Fall into your love
Fall Into yourself
And stay there
And you'll forever
Be in love
With you
With them
And perhaps by staying there
In your love
We may one day
be met there
By another
In their love
In their fullness
And share love
with each other
Yet staying
It's truly
possible to be
Safe in love
Free in love
Honoring love
That really is
True love
To me.
This poem is part of a trilogy of poems exploring Love.
Part 1: How Do I Love You?
Part 2: Freedom
Part 3: Rumi