I will no longer
Be here.
No longer be able
To see a sunrise
To feel the caress
Of water or wind on my skin
Or the pleasure
Of hugging a loved one
Someday I will no longer
Be able to enjoy
The simple pleasure
Of a heavenly meal
The scent of pouring rain
Or the silence
and sounds
and songs of nature.
While I am here
Can I really be here?
Before I go
What will I make
Of this wild
Uncertain life?
Can I allow myself
To feel?
To really feel?
To really live?
To really love?
If not,
What am I doing here?
Over and over
And over again.
A cycle of habits and repetition?
Or can I pause
And take this moment
To embrace
To taste
To relish
The beauty of now
Of each experience
The sweetness
And bitterness
Of grieving
Of loving
Of longing
Of living?
What will I do
What will I say
What will I leave
Before I go?
What will you?
Written 2 March 2023